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Ebooks are great for sending your audience through a transformation or dive even deeper into an important subject. I've written and published two ebooks for my business in addition to multiple others that I've written for clients. Take a look inside two ebooks I wrote below!

Please note that I don't create cover art or publish your ebook, I just provide the written content.

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Stop Aspiring. Start Writing.

This ebook is the perfect starting off point to setting any writer up to accomplish any of their writing goals. It's packed with productivity and goal-setting tips that motivate and give writers the confidence they need to be on their way to working towards their goals.

Become a Blogger from Start to Publish

From how to choose your niche to the anatomy of a blog post and how to set up your blog on WordPress, Become a Blogger from Start to Publish covers every step of the way to becoming a blogger. Step into your writer’s playground and discover the freedom it provides to truly experiment and grow as a writer with your own blog—not to mention, create a jackpot of writing samples along the way. Embrace your craft!

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